Thursday, August 8, 2019

On Your Mark

It was an amazing summer at camp. Lutheridge has quickly become like a second home and close to my heart. It is amazing all that can be accomplished in a week, and how it has seemed like an age has passed in the three months since I graduated.

I was one of the Lutheroad Area Directors which means that for five of the eight weeks of camp, I took a team of counselors to various churches in North and South Carolina to put on a week-long camp similar to a vacation bible school. I went to Augsburg Lutheran Church in Winston-Salem, NC; Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Anderson, SC; Redeemer Lutheran Church in Greer, SC; St. Stephen's Lutheran Church in Lexington, SC; and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Raleigh, NC.

The other three weeks I spent on-site as the Area Director for Crazy Cool Campout - the lite version of the Outdoor Adventure Program for fourth through sixth graders. Alongside being the most difficult weeks of the summer, they proved the be the most rewarding through the growth I saw within the campers as well as the counselors in my area. In general, the impact camp makes on people is incredible. It isn't just on kids, because they grow up to be counselors, and move on to be area directors. They end up in congregations around the country, Lutheran and otherwise, and use the songs, games, and skills the learned from camp to build small communities wherever they go.

Lutheridge has definitely been one of my inspirations for the YAGM program. I have seen the wonderful light that it creates, and I hope to try and carry that with me around the world. I have learned so much about people and how Jesus asks his followers to act. I hope to continue the sort of life I had at camp, helping others but also simply enjoying the time I have and where I am.

As I come closer to the time of my departure, I am asked more and more if I am excited or ready to be leaving. The truth is, I have no idea what is going to happen. I only just found out my site placement in Boriziny, but I don't know what I'll be doing or even the exact amount of time I will be there. Just that I will go to Madagascar on the 21st and return ambiguously sometime in July. So, excited? Maybe, but it is hard to be excited for the unknown. Ready? I'm not packed. Happy? Sad? Anxious? Afraid? No, none of those. Quite simply, I feel prepared. I lot in my life has lead me to now, and no matter what is coming I have a large set of tools at my disposal to take on any challenge thrown at me. 

Though the path is long and the journey is far, it is no longer wise to be afraid. I have my friends beside me and Christ leading on to guide me on my way.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

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